
This book

This book changed, saved, shaded my life for a long time (and still does). Something about it's edible goodness, its free flat lines, its subtle worn in feeling keeps me going and hopefully and gets me to a stable rest.

When I get depressed, I mean the real bad deep depressed, I grab this book from my shelf and hold it, read it, like a strange phosphorescence I glow with a cure, even though it is a slight one.

So here I am in the afternoon, holding onto my well-worn book and in the same way, holding life.

xx, C


  1. Im glad that there is always something you can go to and feel okay. I wish I had a go to like this. The closest I have is the cat :) Thanks for being our sponsor!

    1. Cats are awesome, I have my dogs and they sure do brighten up the day. :)

      xx, C

  2. I don't know if you've read or heard of May Sarton's Journal of a Solitude, but it is a great read. It's her own personal journal and she speaks about her depression, the ups and the downs. I find her words ring true and there is something really wonderful about knowing you aren't alone in experiencing the feelings you do. Interestingly, she also talks a lot about solitude.

    I suggest you try it out and see what you think. Maybe you will connect with it like I have.



    1. I have never heard of her, but I will look it up, sounds really cool. Thanks for letting me know!

      xx, C

    2. For sure! It is one of my favourite books that is well worn in from being read over and over. She has a way of showing the beauty in her struggles.

      One of my favourite lines from the book:

      "Somehow the great clouds made the day alright, a gift of splendor as they sailed over our heads." ~May Sarton

      Also, Rilke's Letters to a Young Poet, which strikes a cord with the inner (and outer for that matter) artist. He also has a way of showing that the everyday moments, the little things, the wee bits of beauty are all very significant and worthy of writing about and sharing.

      "..the smallest event unfolds like fate,and fate itself is like a wonderful,wide fabric in which every thread is guided by an infinitely tender hand and is held and supported by a hundred others." ~Rilke

      Sorry. Just had to share. I love reading.

      Thanks for visiting my blog btw! :)


  3. I need to check this out.

    Those lines you posted hit me. Hard.

    1. Yes, definitely recommend this, if you read it let me know what you think!


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