
Monday Morning Light # 2- why I blog

I started keeping a daily blog in 2008 (see my first blog here). I have spent many, many mornings in front of my computer typing something to share with the world. My blog has evolved a lot over the years. At first I blogged to have a voice that I never seemed to have before. To have a platform to share my story, and most of my story was painful.

I was mired in deep depression, and I needed an outlet to share. A way to say something even if I was bed ridden due to my illness, which I was for many months over the last eight years. It was a way to connect with people in a secure environment.

Things have slowly changed this year in the way I relate to my blog. Years of painful blog posts, and hard work in therapy, I have finally found some freedom and wiggle room in my life. I have found some safety, and a bit of healing. Now my blog posts have evolved from painful memories, to a hopeful mode of being.

I still struggle with depression, and probably always will, but I want to keep my blog honest, yet clear and positive. I blog and keep things honest because I want to let my readers know that you can live a good and healthy life in spite of your past and in spite of depression. I hope in some way I express that.

I don't blog to be the top blogger, I don't blog to make money, I blog to share who I am and to bring a bit of hope to this little bit of world.

xx, C

1 comment:

  1. Depression sucks. But being open and honest about it is what will help others in the same situation. Keep up the good work!!!


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